Friday, November 16, 2012


After reading "Where there's a will, there's a way" I can honestly say that I've never thought about changing government that way. I have to agree with her, if we can change how we talk about politics there's a slight chance that things cant change.
Voting has become some sort of a fad and I felt like some people voted just so they could get a sticker and knew little to nothing about any candidate. If we talked more about the third parties and not just the two big ones, the votes could maybe change! I think that if we really got "back to the root of it" we'd have a better democracy because people would vote more efficiently and wouldn't be worried about what the candidates ate for breakfast or what kind of car they ride in.
It's not just the voters fault either. These politicians make such a big deal about getting reelected that most of them don't spend time doing what they have promised. If they did, they would most likely get reelected again by the same people anyway. Funny how they don't see that.
So yes the system is flawed and we have the ability to change it. However I don't see that happening because we are stuck on worrying about the wrong things. If and when we start changing our conversations, can truly be more efficient for our benefit.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Planned Parenthood

As most of us may know, Romney is planing to take away some of the funding to Planned Parenthood if elected president. Besides providing abortion, Planned Parenthood is a worldwide program that educates men and women about sex and also provide healthcare. I don’t think that Romney should take funding from it because teens should be educated about this and not just by their parents. I say that because sometimes teens do not listen to what their parents have to say and therefore they don’t see the reality that’s out there. With Planned Parenthood, teens are able to understand things from other people’s perspective. They also help women have easy access to contraceptives, for low costs, that help prevent pregnancies. If Romney takes away funding from this, they would have to be a private organization which would mean less access and possibly more teen pregnancies, “Cutting funding for Planned Parenthood will not stop people from having sex, but it will take away an organization that provides sexual health support and services that many women cannot access anywhere else.” (Watson) 

The main reason why Romney wants to take the funding away from this is because he doesn’t support abortion. But abortion is only about 3% of what they do according to Sheridan Watson in “Planned Parenthood cannot be cut” and the rest of it basically information and healthcare. Another thing that he touches on is that women have the right to do whatever they want with their body and if that means abortion, then so be it. I don’t think that anyone should have a baby if they’re not ready. If you do it early enough, the “thing” (baby, if you will) does not have a central nervous system developed, therefore it cannot feel and it won’t hurt.
If Romney takes away funding from this organization I think there will be more problems such as STD’s and less informed people. Therefore more pregnancies and even more debt.