Thursday, September 20, 2012

Article Introduction

I read an article called "Mitt's Unfortunate Reference to 'Illegal Aliens' on Univision" on Crooks and Liars about what Mitt Romney said about the Latino crowd. He said that they were important to winning the election, however he kind of contradicted himself. This article written by karoli quoted him,"for those that are here, that are undocumented, that were brought here by their parents, and therefore are illegal view is that we should put into place a permanent solution." karoli isn't fond of what he was going to do, if elected, because it's not the children's fault and that they're supposed to be covered by the DREAM act and do not consider themselves as illegal aliens.  At the end of the article, karoli states that Romney doesn't use the word "citizen" but he uses "permanent resident". They don't think that it's fair because Romney gives out the impression that he does not care for the Latino population.
I think it's a very interesting little article to read because it gives an opinion and I personally like reading opinion based articles. It also informed me on what he said because I was obviously not well informed. So if you're like me, you should definitely read the article.